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If You have anY qUesTioNs reGardiNg anyThing RelaTed tO tHe WeBsite, me oR HanGuL..yOu caN just leave a coMMent at aNy eNtrY posT ^^ 
I'll answer You StraIght Away fRom the entrY commEnt seCtion. cheers..

Do you go to any formal language class?
아니오, nope.. I just study hangul on my own.. I wish I could go to a formal class and study hangul, then I could also converse in hangul with other students but here at my place there's no formal language class for korean language. 
Do you have any reference book?
네, I use reference book mainly.. I have 2 reference book that I use Elementary Korean and Read & Speak Korean for Beginners.. and I also have 2 dictionaries NTC's Compact and Pocket Korean Dictionary by PERIPLUS (this is more useful than the other one even tho the other one has more words in it)..Check the REFERENCE label to read my reviews on these books.